E |
T |
Nimi |
Printtinimi |
_ | _ | Aavesoturi | A Chinese Ghost Story (1987) |
_ | _ | Amatzonit | Amazons and Supermen (1974) |
_ | _ | Amsterdamin tappaja | The Amsterdam Kill (1977) |
_ | _ | Armoton kosto | Blood Debts (1984) |
_ | _ | Armour of God, The | Armour of God, The (1987) |
_ | _ | Armour of God, The | Armour of God, The (1987) |
_ | _ | Big Boss | Big Boss (1971) |
_ | _ | Big Shot's Funeral | Big Shot's Funeral (2001) |
• | _ | Black Mask | Black Mask (1996) |
_ | _ | Bronxin hurrikaani | Rumble in the Bronx (1995) |
_ | _ | Bruce Lee and the Scolin Broncemen | Bruce and the Shaolin Bronzemen (1977) |
_ | _ | Bruce Lee ja minä | Bruce Lee and I (1973) |
_ | _ | Bruce Lee ja minä | Bruce Lee and I (1973) |
_ | _ | China Strike Force | China Strike Force (2000) |
_ | _ | Chungking Express | Chung hing sam lam (1994) |
_ | _ | Commando joukko | Raiding Party (1979) |
_ | _ | Diamond Ninja Force | Golden Ninja Warrior (1986) |
_ | _ | Eliminaattorit | Golden Lady, The (1979) |
_ | _ | Enter the Dragon - Special Edition | Enter the Dragon (1973) |
_ | _ | Ermo | Ermo (1994) |
_ | _ | Fighting Dragon. | The Fighting Dragon (1975) |
_ | _ | Fist of fury | Fist of fury (1972) |
_ | _ | Fong sai yuk | Fong sai yuk (1993) |
_ | _ | Fong Sai Yuk II | Fong Sai Yuk II (1993) |
_ | _ | Fulltime Killer | Fulltime Killer (2001) |
_ | _ | Golden Lady | The Golden Lady (1979) |
_ | _ | Haastaja | No Retreat, No Surrender (1986) |
_ | _ | Haastaja | No Retreat, No Surrender (1986) |
_ | _ | Half a Loaf of Kung Fu | Half a Loaf of Kung Fu (1978) |
_ | _ | Happy together | Chun gwong cha sit (1997) |
_ | _ | Hero | Hero (2002) |
_ | _ | Heroic Trio - Executioners | Jin doi hou hap cyun - Executioners (1993) |
_ | _ | Heroic Trio - Idän soturit | The Heroic Trio (1993) |
_ | _ | Hiipivä tiikeri Piilotettu lohikäärme | Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) |
_ | _ | Hullu hevonen ja älykäs apina | Crazy Horse and Drunken Monkey (1981) |
_ | _ | Huumekolmio | The Golden Triangle (1975) |
_ | _ | Ilmestyskirjan soturit | The Boys in Company C (1978) |
_ | _ | Ilmestyskirjan soturit | Boys in Company C, The (1978) |
_ | _ | In the Mood for Love | Faa yeung nin wa (2000) |
_ | _ | Infernal Affairs | Infernal Affairs (2002) |
_ | _ | Iskuryhmä A | Project A, Part II (1987) |
_ | _ | Iskuryhmä A | Project A, Part II (1987) |
_ | _ | Jackie Chanin Taistele! Älä kysele! | Who Am I? (1998) |
_ | _ | Jackie Chanin Taistele! Älä kysele! | Who Am I? (1998) |
_ | _ | Jaws of the Dragon | Jaws of the Dragon (1977) |
_ | _ | Jaws of the Dragon | Jaws of the Dragon (1977) |
_ | _ | Jet Li's The Enforcer | Jet Li's The Enforcer (1995) |
_ | _ | Jäähyväiset jalkavaimolle | Farewell My Concubine (1993) |
_ | _ | Kadun kovanaamat | Mob Busters (1985) |
_ | _ | Kanuunankuula Ralli 2 | Cannonball Run II (1984) |
_ | _ | Kanuunankuula Ralli 2 | Cannonball Run II (1984) |
_ | _ | Keltainen Emanuelle | Yellow Emanuelle (1977) |
_ | _ | Kiveä kovempi Stoner | Stoner (1974) |
_ | _ | Kleopatra Jones & Kultainen Kasino | Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold (1975) |
_ | _ | Kolme taistelijaa | Heroes Three (1983) |
_ | _ | Kommandojoukko Dragon Force | Dragon Force (1983) |
_ | _ | Kotkan kynnet | Drunken Master - Eagle's Claw (1978) |
_ | _ | Kotkan varjo | Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (1978) |
_ | _ | Kotkan varjo | Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (1978) |
_ | _ | Kova kaksikko | Double Team (1997) |
_ | _ | Kovat nyrkit | Forced Vengeance (1982) |
_ | _ | Kreisi Hong Kong | Heung Gong wun fung kwong (1993) |
_ | _ | Kung fu | Snake Fist Dynamo (1974) |
_ | _ | Kung Fu-Kokki | The Kung Fu Cook (1982) |
_ | _ | Kuoleman nyrkki | Fist of Fear, Touch of Death (1980) |
_ | _ | Kuoleman tuulet | Temptation of a Monk (1993) |
_ | _ | Land of the Brave, The | Land of the Brave, The (1974) |
_ | _ | Lara Croft - Tomb Raider - Elämän lähde | Lara Croft - Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life (2003) |
_ | _ | Legend of the Red Dragon | Legend Of The Red Dragon (1994) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärme | Fighting Dragon, The (1975) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärme | The Way of the Dragon (1972) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärme | The Way of the Dragon (1972) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärme taistelee | Battle Creek Brawl (1980) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärme taistelee | Battle Creek Brawl (1980) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärmeen herra | Dragon Lord (1982) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärmeen herra | Dragon Lord (1982) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärmeen nyrkki | Fist of Fury (1972) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärmeen nyrkki | Dragon Fist (1979) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärmeen tehtävä | The First Mission (1985) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärmeen tie | The Way of the Dragon (1972) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärmeet vauhdissa | Wheels on Meals (1984) |
_ | _ | Lättäjalka Kaukoidässä | Flatfoot Goes East (1975) |
_ | _ | Lättäjalka Kaukoidässä | flatfoot goes east (1975) |
_ | _ | Lättäjalka Kaukoidässä | flatfoot goes east (1975) |
_ | _ | Mad Mission | Mad Mission (1982) |
_ | _ | Mad Mission - You Never Die Twice | Mad Mission 4 - You Never Die Twice (1986) |
_ | _ | Mad Mission 3 - pähkähullu tehtävä | Mad Mission III: Our Man From Bond Street (1984) |
_ | _ | Megaforce - Aavikkosoturit | Megaforce (1982) |
_ | _ | Mies Hongkongista | The Man from Hong Kong (1975) |
_ | _ | Miracles - ihmeitä tapahtuu | Miracles (1986) |
_ | _ | Mr. Nice Guy & Jackie Chanin Ensi-Isku - Tupla Video | Mr. Nice Guy & Jackie Chan's First Strike (1997) |
_ | _ | Mustien ninjojen kosto | Ninja Empire (1986) |
_ | _ | My lucky stars - Onnen lohikäärmeet | My Lucky Stars (1985) |
_ | _ | Naked Weapon | Naked Weapon (2002) |
_ | _ | Neonpyhimys | Fallen Angels (1995) |
_ | _ | Nico | Above the Law (1988) |
_ | _ | Nico | Above the Law (1988) |
_ | _ | Nico | Above the Law (1988) |
_ | _ | Ninja | Ninja in the Dragon's Den (1982) |
_ | _ | Ninja Assassins - kovin jää henkiin | Ninja Assassins (1985) |
_ | _ | Ninja iskee takaisin | Ninja Strikes Back (1982) |
_ | _ | Ninja iskee takaisin | Ninja Strikes Back, The (1982) |
_ | _ | Ninja Warrior | Golden Ninja Warrior (1986) |
_ | _ | Ninjan haastaja | Drunk Shaolin Challenges Ninja (1978) |
_ | _ | Nuoren naisen kosto | Land of the Brave (1974) |
_ | _ | Nuori lohikäärme | The Young Master (1980) |
_ | _ | Nuori lohikäärme | The Young Master (1980) |
_ | _ | Once Upon a Time in China I - Olipa kerran Kiinassa | Once Upon a Time in China (1991) |
_ | _ | Operaatio Foxbat | Foxbat (1977) |
_ | _ | Operaatio Foxbat | Foxbat (1977) |
_ | _ | Operatio Foxbat | Foxbat (1977) |
_ | _ | Panoksena kuolema | Game of Death (1978) |
_ | _ | Panoksena kuolema | Game of Death (1978) |
_ | _ | Peking Opera Blues | Peking Opera Blues (1986) |
_ | _ | Peking Opera Blues | Peking Opera Blues (1986) |
_ | _ | Phoenix The Raider | Phoenix The Raider (1985) |
_ | _ | Project A lohikäärmeet merellä | Project A (1983) |
_ | _ | Pronssimiehet | Bruce and the Shaolin Bronzemen (1977) |
_ | _ | Pronssimies | Bruce and the Shaolin Bronzemen (1977) |
_ | _ | Pronssimies | Bruce and the Shaolin Bronzemen (1977) |
_ | _ | Punainen Ruusu Valkoinen Ruusu | Red Rose White Rose (1994) |
_ | _ | Pähkähullu tehtävä! | Mad Mission Part 2 - Aces Go Places (1983) |
_ | _ | Päivä jolloin aurinko kylmeni | Tian guo ni zi (1994) |
_ | _ | Päättymätön rakkaus | San bat liu ching (1993) |
_ | _ | Revolverimies ja muukalainen | Stranger and the Gunfighter, The (1974) |
_ | _ | Ritari Jiang-Hu | Jiang-Hu - between Love & Glory (1993) |
_ | _ | Rush Hour 2 | Rush Hour 2 (2001) |
_ | _ | Saigonin Cobra | Raiders of the Doomed Kingdom (1985) |
_ | _ | Salainen järjestö | Secret Executioners (1982) |
_ | _ | San Franciscon teurastaja | Slaughter in San Francisco (1974) |
_ | _ | San Franciscon teurastaja | Slaughter in San Francisco (1974) |
_ | _ | Secret Executioners | Secret Executioners (1982) |
_ | _ | Shanghai Blues | Shanghai Blues (1984) |
_ | _ | Shaolin Soccer | Shaolin Soccer (2001) |
_ | _ | Siistit ja syntiset | Winners and Sinners (1983) |
_ | _ | Sininen Leija | Lan feng zheng (1993) |
_ | _ | Spiritual Kung Fu | Spiritual Kung-Fu (1978) |
_ | _ | Strike of the Tortured Angels | Strike of the Tortured Angels (1982) |
_ | _ | Suojelija | Protector, The (1985) |
_ | _ | Suojelija | The Protector (1985) |
_ | _ | Supercop | Supercop (1992) |
_ | _ | Taisteleva lohikäärme | Fighting Dragon (1975) |
_ | _ | Taisteleva lohikäärme | Fighting Dragon (1975) |
_ | _ | Tappavat kädet | Master with Cracked Fingers (1973) |
_ | _ | Tappoprojekti | Project A (1983) |
_ | _ | Teini-ikäiset mutanttininjakilpikonnat | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) |
_ | _ | Teini-ikäiset mutanttininjakilpikonnat | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) |
_ | _ | Teinimutanttininjakilpikonnat 2: Mönjän salaisuus | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of (1991) |
_ | _ | Teinimutanttininjakilpikonnat III | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Turtles in Ti (1993) |
_ | _ | Terracottasoturi | A Terra-Cotta Warrior (1990) |
_ | _ | Terroristit | A Queen's Ransom (1976) |
_ | _ | Terroristit | A Queen's Ransom (1976) |
_ | _ | The Eye | The Eye (2002) |
_ | _ | Thunderbolt | Thunderbolt (1995) |
_ | _ | Time and Tide | Time and Tide (2000) |
_ | _ | Tower of Death | Game of Death II (1981) |
_ | _ | Tuhoajat | Heroes Three (1983) |
_ | _ | Tuhooja | Ninja Destroyer (1986) |
_ | _ | Tämä on Aasia | Shocking Asia (1975) |
_ | _ | Tämä on Aasia | Shocking Asia (1975) |
_ | _ | Täystyrmäys | Knock Off (1998) |
_ | _ | Verirahat | Blood Money (1974) |
_ | _ | Verirahat | Blood Money (1974) |
_ | _ | Veriset nyrkit | Bloody Fists (1972) |
_ | _ | Veriset nyrkit | Bloody Fists (1972) |
_ | _ | Veriset nyrkit | Bloody Fists, The (1972) |
_ | _ | Vetypommi | H-Bomb (1971) |
_ | _ | Voiton Aseet | Guns of Victory (1981) |
_ | _ | Way of the dragon | Way of the dragon (1972) |