E |
T |
Nimi |
Printtinimi |
_ | _ | Alley Cat - Karatekujan kujakissa | Alley Cat (1984) |
_ | _ | American Cyborg - Tappajarobotti | American Cyborg - Steel Warrior (1993) |
_ | _ | American Cyborg: Tappajarobotti | American Cyborg: Steel Warrior (1993) |
_ | _ | American Kick Boxer II | American Kickboxer 2 (1993) |
_ | _ | American Kick Boxer II | American Kickboxer 2 (1993) |
_ | _ | American Ninja | American Ninja (1985) |
_ | _ | American Ninja 5 | American Ninja V (1993) |
_ | _ | American Streetfighters - Katujengi | L.A. Streetfighters (1985) |
_ | _ | Armour of God, The | Armour of God, The (1987) |
_ | _ | Armour of God, The | Armour of God, The (1987) |
_ | _ | Arnien tappavat kädet | Arnis - The Stick of Death (1984) |
_ | _ | Arnien tappavat kädet | Arnis - The Stick of Death (1984) |
_ | _ | Best of the Best | Best of the Best (1989) |
_ | _ | Bloodsport - viimeiseen asti | Bloodsport (1988) |
_ | _ | Bloodsport - viimeiseen asti | Bloodsport (1988) |
_ | _ | Bruce Lee and the Scolin Broncemen | Bruce and the Shaolin Bronzemen (1977) |
_ | _ | Bruce Lee ja minä | Bruce Lee and I (1973) |
_ | _ | Bruce Lee ja minä | Bruce Lee and I (1973) |
_ | _ | Bruce Leen tarina | Super Dragon (1976) |
_ | _ | College Kickboxer | College Kickboxers (1992) |
_ | _ | Diamond Ninja Force | Golden Ninja Warrior (1986) |
_ | _ | Enter the Ninja | Enter the Ninja (1981) |
_ | _ | Enter the Ninja | Enter the Ninja (1981) |
_ | _ | Erittäin Lyhyt | For Y'ur Height Only (1981) |
_ | _ | Fighting Dragon. | The Fighting Dragon (1975) |
_ | _ | Fist Fighter - Ei armoa | Fist Fighter (1988) |
_ | _ | Force Four | Force Four (1975) |
_ | _ | Godhand - teräsmiesten maailma | Godhand - The Most Powerful Karate (1980) |
_ | _ | Half a Loaf of Kung Fu | Half a Loaf of Kung Fu (1978) |
_ | _ | Heroic Trio - Executioners | Jin doi hou hap cyun - Executioners (1993) |
_ | _ | Heroic Trio - Idän soturit | The Heroic Trio (1993) |
_ | _ | Hiljainen Huilu | The Silent Flute (1978) |
_ | _ | Hiljainen huilu - Voittamaton taistelija | The Silent Flute (1978) |
_ | _ | Hullu hevonen ja älykäs apina | Crazy Horse and Drunken Monkey (1981) |
_ | _ | Idän kostaja | Manchurian Avenger (1985) |
_ | _ | Idän lohikäärme | Last Dragon, The (1985) |
_ | _ | Iron Man | Iron Man (1973) |
_ | _ | Iron Man | Iron Man, The (1973) |
_ | _ | Ironheart | Ironheart (1992) |
_ | _ | Ironheart | Iron Heart (1992) |
_ | _ | Jaguar Lives | Jaguar Lives! (1979) |
_ | _ | Jaws of the Dragon | Jaws of the Dragon (1977) |
_ | _ | Jaws of the Dragon | Jaws of the Dragon (1977) |
_ | _ | Karatemestari | Fist of Power (1987) |
_ | _ | Karatesma | Killer Mantis, Crazy Monkey (1978) |
_ | _ | Karatesma | Killer Mantis, Crazy Monkey (1978) |
_ | _ | Katujen laki | Out for Justice (1991) |
_ | _ | Katujen laki | Out for Justice (1991) |
_ | _ | Katujen laki | Out for Justice (1991) |
_ | _ | Kickboxer 2 | Kickboxer 2 - The Road Back (1991) |
_ | _ | Kiinalaista shaolin-taitoa | Chinese Shaolin Fist (1980) |
_ | _ | Kiinanpommi | Naked Fist (1981) |
_ | _ | Kiveä kovempi Stoner | Stoner (1974) |
_ | _ | Kivikova kolmikko | One Down, Two to Go (1982) |
_ | _ | Kommandojoukko Dragon Force | Dragon Force (1983) |
_ | _ | Kotkan kynnet | Drunken Master - Eagle's Claw (1978) |
_ | _ | Kotkan varjo | Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (1978) |
_ | _ | Kotkan varjo | Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (1978) |
_ | _ | Kung fu | Snake Fist Dynamo (1974) |
_ | _ | Kung Fu soturi | The Brave in Kung-Fu Shadow (1977) |
_ | _ | Kung fu taistelija | Four Infernos to Cross (1978) |
_ | _ | Kung Fu-Kokki | The Kung Fu Cook (1982) |
_ | _ | Kuoleman liekki | Blackfire (1985) |
_ | _ | Kuoleman peli | The New Game of Death (1975) |
_ | _ | Land of the Brave, The | Land of the Brave, The (1974) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärme | Fighting Dragon, The (1975) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärme | Year of the Dragon (1975) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärme taistelee | Battle Creek Brawl (1980) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärme taistelee | Battle Creek Brawl (1980) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärmeen nyrkki | Dragon Fist (1979) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärmeen paluu | Return of the Kung-Fu Dragon (1976) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärmeen paluu | Return of the Kung Fu Dragon (1976) |
_ | _ | Lohikäärmeen paluu | Return of the Kung Fu Dragon (1976) |
_ | _ | Mustien ninjojen kosto | Ninja Empire (1986) |
_ | _ | Muukalainen | Savate (1995) |
_ | _ | Neljän voima | Force Four (1975) |
_ | _ | Ninja | The Master (1984) |
_ | _ | Ninja | Ninja in the Dragon's Den (1982) |
_ | _ | Ninja - Taistelija | Ninja Warriors (1980) |
_ | _ | Ninja 1 | Ninja - The Shadows Kill (1984) |
_ | _ | Ninja 2 - Yön taistelijat | Master, The: Kunoichi / The Java Tiger (1984) |
_ | _ | Ninja 3 | Master, The: Rogues (1984) |
_ | _ | Ninja iskee takaisin | Ninja Strikes Back (1982) |
_ | _ | Ninja iskee takaisin | Ninja Strikes Back, The (1982) |
_ | _ | Ninja Master II, The - Tappomestari Osa II | Master, The: State of the Union / Hostages (1984) |
_ | _ | Ninja Master, The - Tappomestari | Master, The: Max / Out-of-Time step (1984) |
_ | _ | Ninja Master, The - Tappomestari | Master, The: Max / Out-of-Time step (1984) |
_ | _ | Ninja Mission, The | Ninja Mission, The (1984) |
_ | _ | Ninja Mission, The | Ninja Mission, The (1984) |
_ | _ | Ninja Warrior | Golden Ninja Warrior (1986) |
_ | _ | Ninjan haastaja | Drunk Shaolin Challenges Ninja (1978) |
_ | _ | Ninjan Kosto | Revenge of the Ninja (1983) |
_ | _ | Ninjan raivo | Ninja Thunderbolt (1984) |
_ | _ | Ninjan voima | Ninja's Force (1984) |
_ | _ | Nuoren naisen kosto | Land of the Brave (1974) |
_ | _ | Nuori lohikäärme | The Young Master (1980) |
_ | _ | Nuori lohikäärme | The Young Master (1980) |
_ | _ | Panoksena kuolema | Game of Death (1978) |
_ | _ | Panoksena kuolema | Game of Death (1978) |
_ | _ | Perfect Weapon, The | Perfect Weapon, The (1991) |
_ | _ | Perfect Weapon, The | Perfect Weapon, The (1991) |
_ | _ | Project A lohikäärmeet merellä | Project A (1983) |
_ | _ | Pronssimiehet | Bruce and the Shaolin Bronzemen (1977) |
_ | _ | Pronssimies | Bruce and the Shaolin Bronzemen (1977) |
_ | _ | Pronssimies | Bruce and the Shaolin Bronzemen (1977) |
_ | _ | Return of the Ninja Master, The - Tappomestarin Kosto | Master, The: High Rollers / Fat Tuesday (1984) |
_ | _ | Ring of Fire | Ring of Fire (1991) |
_ | _ | Sakura Killers | Sakura Killers (1987) |
_ | _ | Sakura Killers | Sakura Killers (1987) |
_ | _ | Samurai Ninja | Hong Kil Dong (1986) |
_ | _ | Samurai Ninja | Hong Kil Dong (1986) |
_ | _ | Samurain kosto | The Last Reunion (1980) |
_ | _ | San Franciscon teurastaja | Slaughter in San Francisco (1974) |
_ | _ | San Franciscon teurastaja | Slaughter in San Francisco (1974) |
_ | _ | Shaolinin 18 pronssityttöä | 18 Bronzegirls of Shaolin, The (1983) |
_ | _ | Shogun Assassin | Shogun Assassin (1980) |
_ | _ | Shogunin ninja | Shogun's Ninja (1982) |
_ | _ | Shogunin ninja | Shogun's Ninja (1982) |
_ | _ | Spiritual Kung Fu | Spiritual Kung-Fu (1978) |
_ | _ | Steele Justice | Steele Justice (1987) |
_ | _ | Suuri sankari | The Great Hero (1983) |
_ | _ | Svarta drakens hämnd | Year of the Dragon (1975) |
_ | _ | Sääli on sairautta | Arnis - The Stick of Death (1984) |
_ | _ | Taisteleva lohikäärme | Fighting Dragon (1975) |
_ | _ | Taisteleva lohikäärme | Fighting Dragon (1975) |
_ | _ | Taistelu timanteista | Diamond Fight (1981) |
_ | _ | Tapa ja tapa taas | Kill and Kill Again (1981) |
_ | _ | Tapa ja tapa taas | Kill and Kill Again (1981) |
_ | _ | Tapa tai tule tapetuksi | Kill or be Killed (1976) |
_ | _ | Tappavat kädet | Master with Cracked Fingers (1973) |
_ | _ | Tappomestari Osa II - Uhraus | The Master: State of the Union & Hostages (1984) |
_ | _ | Tappoprojekti | Project A (1983) |
_ | _ | Terroristit | A Queen's Ransom (1976) |
_ | _ | Terroristit | A Queen's Ransom (1976) |
_ | _ | The Tiger from the River Kwai | The Tiger from the River Kwai (1975) |
_ | _ | The True Game of Death | The True Game of Death (1979) |
_ | _ | Tuomion päivä | Last Reunion, The (1980) |
_ | _ | Uhkaava kosto | Death Promise (1977) |
_ | _ | Veriset nyrkit | Bloody Fists, The (1972) |
_ | _ | Veriset nyrkit | Bloody Fists (1972) |
_ | _ | Veriset nyrkit | Bloody Fists (1972) |
_ | _ | Vetypommi | H-Bomb (1971) |
_ | _ | Viidakon tappajat | Killer Elephants, The (1976) |
_ | _ | White Phantom: valkoinen haamu - pimeyden vihollinen | White Phantom (1988) |
_ | _ | Yksikätinen pyöveli | One-Armed Executioner (1981) |