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aka Cuentos de ultratumba ; Creep Show ; Father's Day ; The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill ; Something to Tide You Over ; The Crate
Ryhmä: Showtime (FI, w/ blue covers)

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· R-Video
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Id: 302651

- Huonoa seuraa
- Manattu mikä manattu
- Intohimonsa uhri
- Kuoleman ruusutarha

Cut 1 min 52 sec!
This is probably the most worst version of this classic that you can find, thanks to the infamous distributor Showtime. The cuts are listed by each episode: "Father's Day": The strangling of Bedelia is shortened, a neck-snapping is gone, and the entire climax of the episode is cut out poorly (!!!)."Something To Tide You Over": Harry (Ted Danson) drowning in a close-up is completely removed, and Richard (Leslie Nielsen) shooting the seazombies is very heavily cut. "The Crate": The death of the janitor is shortened (the creature muching him), the creature biting Charlie's neck open and bashing him onto the wall, and Henry (Hal Holbrook) mumbling Tell him to call you Billie! (!) when the creature's killing Wilma. "They're Creeping Up On You!": The whole gory end of the episode (!!!), where cockroaches come out of Mr. Pratt's (excellent E.G. Marshall) mouth and body, is cut out! NOTE: And of course according to the Showtime traditions, the back of the video cover features a pic from the cut scenes (the female seazombie getting a bullet to its head).

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Kuvasuhde: 1.33:1 (4:3)

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